Download - Par4All ================== Because of current limitations in PIPS there are some specific bugs on recent 32-bit *x*\ 86 Linux target so please use a 64-bit platform to run Par4All. `Release note `_ `Changelog `_ `License `_ If you need to run Par4All on unsupported system, please run Par4All inside a virtual machine running a supported OS. **Warning:** since this project is no longer supported by SILKAN, if you want to use the latest version of Par4All, the only way from the following methods is to start from the source from described in section `Distributed version control system`_. The URL in the following is no longer working. Binary distribution ------------------- Right now Par4All is only supported in binary form on Debian and Ubuntu 64-bit *x*\ 86. Repository .......... The best way if you are on GNU/Linux Debian or Ubuntu is to use our package repository. This way, when a new version is out, your classical package manager can automatically install it. To use our package repository, pick one of the following lines, and add it graphically with the **Update Manager** (``Settings``/``Third-Party Software``) or append it with a text editor to your ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` file. If you are using Ubuntu: :: deb releases main # --OR-- deb development main or if you are running Debian: :: deb releases main # --OR-- deb development main So you need to choose between releases or development versions. Development packages are generated often, may be unstable, and are best suited if you want to track more closely the Par4All development. Once this is done, run your favorite graphics package tool (synaptic...) or: .. code:: bash sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install par4all In any case, you will then need to source one of the following shell scripts which set up the environment variables for proper Par4All execution: - if you use ``bash``, ``sh``, ``dash``, etc.: .. code:: bash source /usr/local/par4all/etc/ - if you use ``csh``, ``tcsh``, etc.: .. code:: bash source /usr/local/par4all/etc/par4all-rc.csh For more information, look at the `documentation`_ section. Package ....... A less automatic way on Debian or Ubuntu is to install a Par4All ``.deb`` package manually. For development versions, according to your OS and architecture, download a package from: :: For release versions, according to your OS and architecture, download a package from: :: You can then install the package with: .. code:: bash sudo gdebi .deb ``sudo dpkg -i .deb`` would also work but does not automatically install dependencies you should install later. In any case, you will then need to source one of the following shell scripts which set up the environment variables for proper Par4All execution: - if you use ``bash``, ``sh``, ``dash``, etc.: .. code:: bash source /usr/local/par4all/etc/ - if you use ``csh``, ``tcsh``, etc.: .. code:: bash source /usr/local/par4all/etc/par4all-rc.csh For more information, look at the `documentation`_ section. Manual tar.gz binary installation ................................. An even less automatic way is to use a ``.tar.gz`` tar-ball file. It contains the binaries as built on a stable Ubuntu or unstable Debian distribution. It should work on any GNU/Linux distribution with the following libraries installed: (a fairly recent) ````, ````, ````, etc. and Python 2.7. We chose this Python version because it is recent enough to provide nice features for Par4All and not too recent to be absent from most Linux distributions… Look at the Par4All organization documentation to have the list of some needed packages. Once you have downloaded one of these ``.tar.gz`` packages from\ , extract it with the following command: :: tar xvzf .tar.gz It will create a directory named par4all. Move this directory to its final location, for example with: :: sudo mv par4all /usr/local In any case, you will then need to source one of the following shell scripts which set up the environment variables for proper Par4All execution: - if you use ``bash``, ``sh``, ``dash``, etc.: .. code:: bash source /usr/local/par4all/etc/ - if you use ``csh``, ``tcsh``, etc.: .. code:: bash source /usr/local/par4all/etc/par4all-rc.csh For more information, look at the `documentation`_ section. Previous releases ----------------- Older releases of Par4All packages are available on Installing from the sources --------------------------- This is not the preferred way to work, but it can be useful for people who cannot use a precompiled version and do not want to bother with ``git``. First get a source tar-ball in the following directories (Ubuntu or Debian do not matter here): :: Pick up a file which name ends with ``_src.tar.gz``. You can decompress it with a ``tar zxvf``. Then refer to the infrastructure documentation on how to compile with ```` after having installed the required packages. Distributed version control system ---------------------------------- Since this project is no longer supported by SILKAN, if you want to use the latest version of Par4All, the only way from the following methods is to start from the source from You can also access to the latest Par4All source code and contribute using ``git``: ============================================= ========================================= ``git`` source viewer @ GitHub (most recent) ``git`` source viewer @ SILKAN (old) GitHub ``ssh`` access (most recent) Anonymous ``git`` access @ SILKAN (old) git:// Commit ``git`` access @ SILKAN (old) ssh:// ============================================= ========================================= To compile from the sources or from ``git``, have a look at the Par4All organization `Documentation `_ The ``git`` repository on GitHub is a cleaned-up version without some big files not allowed on GitHub. .. # Some Emacs stuff: ### Local Variables: ### mode: rst,flyspell ### ispell-local-dictionary: "american" ### End: